Eloise had a neat experience that I was witness to last night. She was able to get re-aquainted with Jim Vernon. Jim was the driver of the car in which Pat was riding when she was killed 46 years ago, this next week (as recalled by Jim).
A short background of the incident can be found at my entry about Karen's visit from last May recorded here. I learned some cool facts that previously I had only known a part.
Jim described himself as being very lost in life at the time. He and De Leon were drinkers and they had very little interest in church. Jim, in particular, said he was headed no where in life prior to the accident. Because of the complete forgiveness and love he received from my parents, particularly Eloise, the tragedy became a spring board which ultimately changed his life.
After a number of years he moved to Dayton, Ohio for work. He continued to hang out with less than desireable people until one day he realized that he was going no where. He always wanted a family and he also wanted a wife that he could trust. He was finding none of that with the people he was with. He went back to church.
I'm not sure of the exact timing, but because he went got active in the church again he met his wife, a convert of only a year or so. He said they fell madly in love in one of those 'it was meant to be and we knew it' relationships. They married and had 4 children. Jim joined the service and received training as an engineer. He served for a time in Vietnam and Germany, among other places.
During their young marriage they served as seminary teachers. His testimony grew and he was called to serve as a bishop and stake president. All of this was started, he says, by the love he felt from Eloise. He said it kind of made him mad that our family didn't show anger toward him. Because of that he couldn't return anger for anger by denying responsiblity for the accident, but it humbled him and prepared him for the changes that followed.
He said he has told this story so many times over the years (he estimated more than 50 different occasions) in his teaching other people about the gospel and in sermons, etc. He told Eloise that this story has blessed other peoples lives besides his own.
His life was most recently challenged when his wife was diagnosed with cancer and two weeks later...he was also diagnosed with cancer. His wife ultimately succomed to her cancer and died a couple of years ago. His cancer claimed his right leg, which was amputated mid-thigh. He also lost a good portion of his right hip.
I really enjoyed listening to Jim and Eloise visit. Jim is an awesome man and it was great to get to know him in person.
A few more pictures of his visit can be seen here.
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