Today mom said "I am starting to feel old". This was in sharp contrast to the position she has held until now that everybody else in Legacy is old but she was not. She is complaining more lately that her 'insides' hurt. She is really uncomfortable. I feel so bad for her...very miserable. Somehow she manages to still be kind and patient with those around her. Very amazing woman!
I ordered a small tv at her request. I reminder her that when she had a tv she didn't like to watch it. She agreed but said football season is approaching and she wanted to watch football. She decided she wanted to have the tv set up by her bed so she could watch laying down. So I set it up by the bed. As she was sitting at her table, unable to see the tv from there, she decided she would like to have another tv over by her table. So...I ordered another tv. Funny lady!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Gordon's activity level seems to have decreased gradually but steadily over the past few months. At times he won't even go to the dining room for meals but will opt for eating in his room. He is still cordial to and funny with the aides and other guests there. Jared, one of the med techs, was in taking Gordon's vitals yesterday. While Jared was monitoring his vitals he was also perusing some of the pictures Dad has on his wall. He noticed and commented on the picture of the Denver Temple. Dad said, " that was the temple I worked in for 7 years". Jared acknowledged the comment and then his attention went to the picture of the earth on the wall. Dad said, "that's the earth I have lived on for 87 years". Shaking his head and giggling Jared replied "Gordon, you always make me laugh"!
He tends to do very unusual things at times these days. More than once (perhaps this is not so unusual for older folks) I have gone in to his room on a 95+ degree day to find him in his flannel long sleeved shirt...with the heater on! Perhaps a veiled attempt at suicide??? Talk about a cooker! On Thursday he asked me how to write the words portion of a check when there are cents in the!

Eloise's pendulum is in constant motion! Just to bring you up to speed on the many changes she has made over the past 18 months, she came to Bountiful from Denver as a 135 lb hypoglycemic who wouldn't think of biting a banana that was too sweet because the sugar level would send her into shock, to a 153 lb hypoglycemic whose main food sources are, pumpkin pie with whip cream...actually that should be whip cream with a little pumpkin sherbet (used to be lime), snicker doodle cookies garnished with cheese slices, vanilla pudding...and for desert some soy ice cream. She will actually try to eat the meals furnished by Legacy most of the time. I can't say that I blame her diet after seeing pureed Salisbury Steak for the first time. That made the cheese laden snicker doodles look pretty good.
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